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Takaonoamidadou no Ooicho

Takaonoamidadou no Ooicho


Takaonoamidadou no Ooicho is located in the center of Takaono Community, and is located in a junction of three roads of lifeline road in the community.
This is a sacred tree with over 700 years old, planted by villagers as a memory of Genko no Eki, in the precinct of Daishido (Takaonoamidadou).
Spreading its branches impressively in the blue sky, the tree has been watching over the region over eternal time.
In fall, the surrounding turns into a yellow carpet, and ”Fall Foliage Festival” is held.
Climbing up narrow stone steps is required to get to the Amidadou which is located in the tip of tableland on wither side of two rivers and two valleys. There is an information board saying, ”Seieisanroku ni atta Amidadou no wakare.”
Villagers who felt inconvenience to visit the Amidadou may have built the hall enshrined offshoot statue of Amidanyorai.
The half branch of this Ooicho grows across the road because it is too big and is located on the end of precinct.

Yatauta, Takamorimachi, Aso Gun, Kumamoto Prefecture (Takaonoamidadou)

